Apr 24, 2020

Livestream April 26: Radio documentary revisits Vietnam antiwar movement

The Days of May: UNM 1970
New Radio Documentary Revisits the Vietnam Antiwar Movement in New Mexico
Photo credit: KUNM
On April 30, 1970, President Richard M. Nixon announced the dispatch of U.S. troops to Cambodia, effectively escalating the Vietnam War.
 The deployment triggered one of the greatest political crises in the history of the United States, as mass protests swept hundreds of U.S. college campuses. 
Four students were subsequently killed May 4 by Ohio National Guardsmen at Kent State University and two more were slain May 14 by police at Jackson State in Mississippi.
The third most violent repression occurred May 8 at the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, where members of New Mexico National Guard bayoneted and injured 11 people, including news media personnel. 
On the 50th anniversary of these events, KUNM will air a special one-hour documentary that revisits a critical historical juncture and examines the legacies. 
Featuring rare, archival KUNM news stories  that were recorded in May 1970 and blended with the remembrances of UNM student activists and former news reporters interviewed half a century later, "The Days of May: UNM 1970,"  includes the voices of student protesters, young KUNM news reporters of the time, university administrators, National Guard officers and others. Popular music of the era rounds out the mix.
 The Days of May: UNM 1970
Produced by Kent Paterson. Technical assistance by Marty Adams Smith and Ali Liddell.
Sunday, April 26, at 11 a.m. Mountain Standard Time
North-Central New Mexico: KUNM-FM 89.9 FM
or livestream at https://www.kunm.org
Important Note: Interested persons who cannot listen to the program during its April 26 air date can hear the program at their convenience for two weeks after April 26 by going to KUNM's two week archive at: https://www.kunm.org/two-week-archive
 Information: Kent Paterson at kentnews@unm.edu